by iwannabeanalcoholic August 27, 2004
A corpulent and grotesquely hirsute troll of a man who - on account of an anomalously prodigous penis - has become one of the most illustrious porn kings in the contemporary industry.
Ron Jeremy's genitals are so colossal that it is not uncommon for a co-star to leave the set with a prolapsed rectum.
by Ocram May 3, 2003
One of the greatest porn stars of all time (somehow)
He looks like a Circus dwarf with long greasy hair and the worst grin imagineable.
He looks like a Circus dwarf with long greasy hair and the worst grin imagineable.
Ron: Suck my dick!
Ho: ... Uuuuh.. No. You look like a retarded monkey with no balls! Or a Circus Seal on crack. I can't decide. Now piss off before I call the cops.
Ron: *Whips out penis.. it hits the floor*
Ho: Well.. why didnt you say so?! *Choke, Gag, Choke.. Slurp.. GaaaaaRrRRGgggllLllE*
Ho: ... Uuuuh.. No. You look like a retarded monkey with no balls! Or a Circus Seal on crack. I can't decide. Now piss off before I call the cops.
Ron: *Whips out penis.. it hits the floor*
Ho: Well.. why didnt you say so?! *Choke, Gag, Choke.. Slurp.. GaaaaaRrRRGgggllLllE*
by HarryPothead February 21, 2004
A real American porn star hero. Despite his looks, he used what he had to become what he is now. He should be an inspiration to us all.
by Nik January 30, 2004
"The only reason I dated that loser, Kevin, for so long was because he was a total Ron Jeremy!"
"Some douchebag was buying me drinks all night, trying to act all Ron Jeremy."
"I accidentally brushed up against a hobo's leg on the subway last week. Turns out he's a Ron Jeremy! Who knew?"
"Some douchebag was buying me drinks all night, trying to act all Ron Jeremy."
"I accidentally brushed up against a hobo's leg on the subway last week. Turns out he's a Ron Jeremy! Who knew?"
by thejennysituation September 5, 2009
by Paul in Dubai November 10, 2008
by i_anonymous April 7, 2005