a flirt

Someone who talks to everyone, and flirts with everyone
Ashley is such a flirt... she talks to everyone
by Program September 15, 2017
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To behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone.
Cash "Chloe gave me a nice shot of her boobs yesterday and today she gave me a look at her abs I think she's flirting with me?"

Doug "Then ask her out bruh"
by A Human Male September 9, 2018
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To be playful, too nice or caring with someone.

Ali' was flirting with that girl all day yesterday
by Unknown user 87 December 9, 2015
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A person who is innocently overly friendly, especially the type of friendliness that is interpeted as seduction. Actions may include: giving away number, blowing kisses, caressing, and free lapdances. Also see Angelica.
She doesn't really like you, homie, she's just a big FLIRT.
by FLIRT August 23, 2003
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anything someone does to get the attention of someone they like.
While flirting with Mary, John threw a rock at her
by John May 10, 2004
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Verb definitions:-

1. To intentionally behave in a way that one believes will induce sexual arousal in their target. This word is distinct from 'tease' in two respects - firstly, it doesn't imply that the subject does not intend to satisfy the sexual arousal that he or she has manufactured and secondly, whereas the verb 'to tease' is usually used in reference to a woman's actions, the verb 'to flirt' can be used in reference to a man or a woman's actions.

2. To toy with (an idea usually, but sometimes an entity.)

Noun definition:-

One who is known to indulge in the actions detailed in the first verb definition can be described as 'a flirt'.
Verb examples:-

1. He flirted with me all night, with his characteristic double entendres, his charming smile and hypnotic eyes a-glow.

2. She flirted with the idea of joining the Communist Party, but eventually decided to stick with Labour.

Noun example:-

She wins the attention of all the men - she is a flirt out of the top drawer.
by Jothelondoner May 27, 2007
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messing with a boy/girl because, a. you like them, b. you're trying to make someone else jealous, c.you're bored of your boyfriend/girlfriend, d. you're a stupid slut, e. you cant help yourself
He flirts with every girl he walks past because he's bored of his girlfriend.
by random passerby August 25, 2005
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