Another word for god. Gosh is to God as heck is to hell. Oh my gosh, what the heck.
Oh my gosh Cassidy! I can't believe Georgia wore BLUE eyeshadow today!
by Emmaedamae October 29, 2014
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1) Disrespectful way to pronouce the word "God". Only a servant of Satan would utter such blasphemy.

2) The guy that sends you to Heck if you're naughty. Some people suspect Heck is just some prison that no one can return from, but no one's sure... Well yeah, genius, no one return from Heck until death.
1) Stacy: Oh my Gosh!

Ed: It's pronounced "God". Never ever disrespect God by uttering his name in such a disrespectful manner, lest you be serving Satan.

2) Ed: I heard this guy named Gosh sent Santa Claus to Heck for his heinous crimes.

Edd: Finally! I'm sick of that guy always managing to break in my house that one day of the year. He doesn't even leave gifts but still consumes all my cookies and milk. The nerve!
by EpicScientician December 6, 2021
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Who you don't believe in if you go to Heck
I don't worship gosh so I'll see you in Heck
by Bookstores in a Seattle January 13, 2016
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A word that David Archuleta uses when hes shocked. In other words, his favorite word. Tis ok, hes sexy as hell.
"Oh Gosh, Gosh, I didnt expect this much people. Gosh!"
by Bangme David May 21, 2008
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The Only Possible "Beyond A Sliver Of A Shadow Of A Doubt" Methodology (Or Proof, In General), To Prove That I'm The One That You've All Been Looking For, As In "God", The Creator Of All Creations In General, No Matter What They Are, Even If Just By Proxy¡¡¡!!!¡¡¡


"Even If Just By Proxy", Being Hereby Defined As, Simply Due To The Attributed Nature Of My Entire Being As A Whole, Even Including/Minus Those Parts Of Me Meant To Simply "Keep Me Hidden From Public View And Not Be Able To Be Noticed For Myself Until I Am Ready To Have Such Done, Which Is Right Now".
My Uncle Barry Used To Call Me "Gosh", Since My Legal Name Was/Is Joshua, But It Was A Way To Let Me Know And Also Prove Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt 30+ Years Later, That I Was And\Or Am, And Always Will Be For All Of Eternity, Actually "God (Incarnate)".
by "God(Stabilized)" September 14, 2023
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The fucking word that is always irritating and always used by your Irritaing girlfriend.
Girl: " Oh my gosh! The popcorn is on fire!!!!!

Me: "Shut the fuck up!"
by The urban Libriarian January 9, 2017
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One of the worst things anyone can say. If you dare even think of saying this cursed word, you are one mega douche.
Mega Douche: Oh my gosh!
by Dr. Crowley July 10, 2009
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