The thing that you shit out of
Your bum spits out more shit than a truck loading them
by Stealth December 15, 2002
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1. Where I am from, bum means a person who says or does stupid things.
2. A person who lives off the street.
1. Jackie-"What grades do you need to pass to the 8th grade?"
Deon-"You cant have too many F's"
Jackie-"So you can make straight D's and still pass??"
Deon-"OMG you are a BUM!!"

2. "look at that bum sitting on the corner holding that cardboard sign"
by TipsyMa4Lyfe April 22, 2004
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A fool with no money and no home, begs for spare change. Gets turned down regularly.
by Ausmus January 27, 2003
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To lend someone something.
To give someone something, with the idea they will at one point do it for you in return.
Hey, bum me a cig.
Bum me some gum.
by Strands57 December 19, 2006
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Bum: Noun, Verb (Bumming), Adjective (Bum)

Someone who wears the same thing to school every single day. Usually a male with a broken backpack that doesn't zip up and only has one arm strap. A Bum must be a fan of the San Francisco 49ers and such a big fan to the point makes people hates the niners. A Bum gets picked on constantly, there are even official "Give a bum a deadleg day" "Beat a bum up day" etc. When a Bum is asked "What can Brown do for you?!" He must reply with "The real question is what can't brown do for you ;"

Lastly, Not to be confused.

Aliens > Bums
(Weight Training Class)

Bum: (Walks in Late, Ipod headphones in ears, No one is sure if the Bum is sober)

Weight Training Class: "MR BUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!"
by DownAlien June 29, 2011
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(verb) To let someone borrow, and if necessary keep without repayment.
I told him I could bum him a spare keyboard, but he ended up stealing the one from the store anyway!
by Benry1 April 6, 2011
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To sodomise a human, animal or object (not including trees) not illegal if the other gives their consent
Shut up Laura, or I will Bum You, And Tom won't stop me
by The Drinker Of Cum February 5, 2005
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