1. an anticipated flatus (fart) expelled through the anus, but resulting in a large expulsion of feces.

2. a big, lurid, shart.
I really gotta go badly!!! (blart)

Oops! Too late.. I blarted. =/
by Dardrew July 31, 2009
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the act of raising and lowering your leg/knee under blanket while farting so as to woft the fart gas into your partners face.
damn it, John! quit blarting or i'll sew your ass shut!
by NATeDoog August 15, 2008
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The sound issued by bovines
The cows blarted endlessly as they waded the frass.
by moopups August 30, 2003
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A blart is five pounds of excrement, in a three pound jar.
The whole deal is a blart: we would have to give away the whole farm, including all our implements.
by MooPig August 29, 2007
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Large hairy animal. This beast makes up for its below-average intelligence with an above average size. Experts disagree about whether the size is due to muscle or fat.
Blart drank eight beers before retiring for the night.
by pledge prez March 8, 2005
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my dad lost his job, so now he's a part-time blart at the Staples center
by WordMongrel June 5, 2009
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Quite simply, a joint. Can be either hashish or weed. Also known as a blarty.
I really fancy a nice blart(y)
by paul leach January 6, 2004
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