is an abbreviation for attention deficit hyper disorder it causes kids and can sometimes even last into adulthood. It causes hyper activity learning disabilities.
why does he always seem to not pay attention in class and is always hyper?
He has ADHD
by Ilovefettywapandmonty January 21, 2018
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ADHD stands for attention dificit hyperactive disorder it's where some people can be really hyper and can't control themselves it it's bad my brother has it but he only has mild ADHD, they always fidget and can't stop moving well not neccaserly .
Mum: john you have ADHD

John: what's that mum

Mum: it stands for attention dificit hyperactive disorder
by ZG_7 March 23, 2017
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Hi people of the interne- oh shit a bird
ADHD stands for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder if you thonk you have it then go to a docter that can test if you have it don't just say "oh I have ADHD" or this because if you do I will come out of this screen and give you death "ADHD people will start the zombie apocalypse
by ADD October 19, 2019
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ADHD stand for Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. (ADHD or AD/HD) Commonly found in children and some adults such as Howi Mandel and Elvis Presly. Children with AD/HD are usually vary creative and smart, but suffer in school. They can be obnoxious to an extent, and are, of cours, usually very hyper. They are usually great with sports and have great coordination.
That child is good at sports. I wonder if he has ADHD?
by Conman27 May 5, 2010
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An acronym that stands for A Dick in High Demand
Mike has ADHD 😉.”
by Elbichmio November 14, 2022
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also known as "American Dick Hole Duggies" Incident

Basically where Uncle Edward aka EVA buys breast implants for his new album cover "Niggas in My Butthole (Young EDU remix)" and shakes his ass off at the mirror making Tyrone's Ty happy every single day of the year while his balls deflect while all of this is recorded by Mic-Derek himself.
My friend went through ADHD!
by WWW.COMPASS May 27, 2023
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A misunderstood medical condition where one has a chronic deficiency in a neurotransmitter called dopamine which is a brain chemical which helps one to become more motivated and complete tasks easier, hence why individuals suffering from ADHD may take longer to do certain tasks such as school work, but that does not mean that they can't get it done. People with ADHD may present signs of low confidence which is also to do with deficiency of dopamine as dopamine provides the feeling of reward after completing a difficult task. Unfortunately there is currently no cure for ADHD, however there are different methods of treating the conditions such as CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), but it's probably better to take stimulant meds to increase the quantities of dopamine in the brain. Research shows that stimulant meds are effective in 70%-80% of patients with moderate or severe ADHD.
If you or a your child presents signs of ADHD, consult GP so they can refer the patient to a psychiatrist if they are certain one is showing signs of the condition.
by Rotten Turkey July 7, 2021
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