Da brand of "dinosaur" mechanical typewriter dat made you so frustrated dat you'd likely need to drink fresh-lime-imbued pale-ale from a clear-glass bottle in order to tolerate da ordeal of using said clackety-clack unit to create documents.
In my younger days, I hadda use a clunky Smith Corona if I didn't wanna laboriously write everything out by hand. I'm a absolutely lousy typist even today, and therefore I totally wear out da "backspace" key on my computer-keyboard; dunno how I didn't take up drinking as a younger dude from all of dat stress of trying to hit da right keys every time.
by QuacksO August 26, 2019
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When person self quarantining for Corona Virus (usually a female) eats a ton, and precedes to sit on her ass and gain 15 lbs.
Did you see Suzy after quarantine? Talk about a Corona 15!
by Northerly March 24, 2020
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A cry/sob/single tear that was produced by anxiety over the coronavirus, quarantine, and its effects
When I found out that I wouldn’t be able to see my friends for a month, I had a good corona cry.
by whateverlol March 15, 2020
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A brain-unfriendly but wallet-friendly Singapore math title that irreverently leverages on the deadly coronavirus to teach creative mathematical problem solving—when the product of two negatives (Covid-19 and school math) is a positive (a confident and skilful problem solver).
Prof. Ian is trying to kill two mathematical birds with a numerical stone in 2020: he wants to launch “Singapura Mathematica” and “Corona Mathematica” at the same time in the midst of rising infection and mortality rates nationwide.
by MathPlus December 1, 2020
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A playground located in Ramat - Gan, Israel.

Got its name after a godly creature drank a bottle of Corona there.
Oh my god! Let's go to the Corona playground! I heard it's a cool place to chill in.
by LordAvishoosh September 19, 2018
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The vaccine is made out of magical alien poop. Created by evil warlords. The vaccine is also a part of a giant conspiracy to eat all of the world's hotdogs.
by CasuallyDelightful October 27, 2021
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cuddling without touching. preferably with a long stick
why hello there! let's do some corona cuddling
by Ræv October 23, 2020
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