When you have to vigorously take a shit, but your in math class and the material is too important to leave so you end up leaving a shit stain in your khaki pants. Literally looks like booty sweat or as if you spilled steaming shit flavored coffee near your rectum.
Hey Ryan, we have a test tomorrow and I have to use the bathroom, what a poop moment!
by November 2, 2021
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A dogs poop shoot has two functions, one of which is to poop, the other one is that it can be used as a reset button if your dog is having issues.
Joe: Dude, I think my dog is about to die... it's having heart problems.
Yuri: Nah bro, if you just press your dog poop shoot, it will reset and be fine again.
Joe: Thanks bro!!
by RetardDestroyer69420 August 28, 2020
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When a woman inverts her purse and dumps out all of its contents on a bed or table.
Karen proceeded to do a huge purse poop on the bed and found her keys.
by IRON MENSCH March 30, 2022
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A poop that hurts when it comes out. (Just like how spikes hurt)

Spikey fart is the brother of it: a fart that hurts when it comes out
Chad: Hey, I just had a spikey poop and it hurt like buttcheeks!

Chad 2: Oh at least you didn't have a spikey fart to follow it up.. Anyways, put some wet toilet paper on it and you'll be fine
by POOPEATER6969420 August 18, 2020
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When you smear poop on a wall or the side of a small table.
Hey Leroy...Did you poop smudge on my small table?
by Squeedely Teets June 18, 2020
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When one eats only cucumber until their poop turns green. Take the poop and freeze it. Then stick it in someone's ass.
by Twitchness September 27, 2017
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A poop dick is when your dick is covered with poop after you have anal sex. :)))))
"Oh man I had the craziest poop dick yesterday after fucking Jenny"
by PandaLover_ March 28, 2018
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