To get an erection, once erection is achieved the man is torqued.
Billy: Man Jessica's tits get me so torqued!
John: Yea! Here she comes now, I'm totally torquing.
by tommygun August 31, 2013
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as drunk as possible.

(often in combination with xanax and/or fishing and/or driving a van).
"whats up brohamsky?"

"I'm getting tortally torqued brah. you should come over."
by pseudonymguy July 22, 2010
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1. To be truly excited
2. To be on the losing end of a no-win situation, see also fucked
1. Jimmy is really torqued about seeing this movie
2. Jimmy knew he was torqued when he saw the gun.
by Mattricio January 4, 2003
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getting your ass handed to you by a superior in the military. Involves physical punishment that only the hardest of people can actually do. Can also be a phycological punishment.
1. Man master corperal really torqued us with the rucksack march.
2. I was perfect that inspection, he only threw my kit around to torque me.
by babyg296 February 13, 2010
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Adj. Something or someone that is both hard and artsy. A state of being.
This rave in an abandoned warehouse is so torqued
by Whoiswizard July 20, 2011
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From the show Workaholics, it is the equivelent of having an erection.
Paraphrased from the show: " are fully torqued right now!" "Well yeah! I was about to have sex with that chick!"
by TallyMcSky April 9, 2011
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The definition of torque is: when you wake up in the morning with a raging hard-on and go into the bathroom to take a piss
as you push down on it to aim it toward the water your feet kick out backwards from under you and your face bounces of the rim of the bowl. Now that is torque/torqued
see definition for the word torque
I saw a super beat up looking homeless person today, poor guy was totally torqued.

My buddy broke his truck four wheeling today, I saw it and it looked fucking torqued.

I watched a dude take to big of a bong hit today and it totally torqued him
by Dirty G in S.C. October 24, 2009
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