A response a Filipino says to basically say "duh".
Me: "It would be awesome to win the Lottery."
Filipino: "Well yeah!"
by Bunnyfoofoo432 June 4, 2017
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A phrase used when one fails to think of a decent comeback. originally used by comedian Ron White.
Person A: ur moms fat
Person B: Yeah, well fuck you!
by TooBlonde2BeEmo October 21, 2006
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What you say when someone else wins.

(Large penis optional)
Jason: So, I totally did that hot girl last night, after I won the football game and got an A on my test!
Sam: Yeah well my penis is bigger.

Michelle: I lost 20 pounds, and now I'm a size 0!
Sarah: Yeah well my penis is bigger.
by hai_bai August 14, 2011
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A comeback, usually signifying that the person saying this phrase can't win the argument.
"Go fuck yourself, you piece of shit whore"
"Yeah, well your mom was really good last night"
by Assholes Inc. September 10, 2003
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1.The universal comeback*.
2.The comeback to end all comebacks*.
3.The most overly used comeback ever.

*in theory
"Well. . .Your an asshole. . .asshole."
"Well, Your mom was really good last night."
by Fatass February 14, 2003
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"Cracka I just whooped yo sorry ass in that game of checkers. BOOYAH BITCH!"
"Yeah, well your mom was really good last night."
by Nick D February 13, 2003
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