verb, to shaft.
To finger a girl while getting four fingers in.
Dude, I totally shafted this girl last night.
by nedsfriend November 8, 2010
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You may not be surprised, but I got the fuckin' shaft at work today. Nothing like working another 20 hr day.
by Ricky Roma October 25, 2003
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the feeling you get after seeing a Samuel Jackson movie.
i wasted 9 buck on snakes on a plane... i feeled shafted.
by Jebadiah Harrell April 24, 2008
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when a person ditches their friends for someone they think is more important
A.M.'s friends are being shafted because of her boyfriend she doesn't even like!
by Anonymous May 17, 2003
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Used to express when someone ignores you, gives you the cold shoulder, or ditches you. Sometimes when you get jipped.

Kyle, quit giving me the shaft and come hang out already.

You have to pay? Man you guys got the shaft.
by MadisonJaleigh February 1, 2007
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This term is used to describe one's state of being when they are seriously fucked up. This can refer to being high, drunk, and any other form of being messed up.
Holy shit bro! i was shafted at that party last night! We smoked like 50 bowls!!!
by elite51h2k December 2, 2010
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dick, or the ver "to fuck"
"i wanna show that girl my shaft (see "rambo dick") and shaft her in every orifice"
by violent jay July 14, 2002
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