dry sex.
when you do all the motions of sex with your clothes on.
dry humping.
your pants stay on!
it a good safe sex way of getting off!
= lol.
dude we totally did ds!
by Gnomie March 11, 2008
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An uncontrollable urge to defecate. (Syn. the hershey squirts)
"I just released a hellish urine-like stream of brown refuse from my colon."
"You must have the Ds
by uncle_class January 26, 2004
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Dog Slow - Used to describe how slow a computer programme or system is running.
Man this computer system is running DS today.
by Slimeburger September 28, 2007
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1.) A Dumpster Slut. Someone who enjoys having sex in dumpsters.
Oh Cara had sex in a dumpster, what a DS.
by Big J Diddy June 7, 2006
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Short for dickings, as in bad things, mistakes or general fuckery

in extreme cases Double Ds can be used
Meg from Family Guy is pure Ds
by Lorenzo January 17, 2005
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A slang for 'Down Syndrome', but not in a literal sense. Can be used to describe one self when they are being an idiot.

*note* As made famous by Laura F.
"I was so DS yesterday that I forgot how to spell Laura"
by Jordan_Korea February 29, 2008
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1.Dick Sucker
adj. or noun

Maybe said as

Dick Sucking(suckin)
1.Shut the fuck up you "dick sucker"
2.Ol' dick sucking ass bitch.
by Jamella March 7, 2004
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