It is a word to describe someone that is attractive.
Dang that chick is swine! she has a swine ass.
by kirby05 April 30, 2009
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to be coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose, ect. in public
I was on the metro earlier and this woman was swining all over me!
by urbanessa April 30, 2009
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The act of drinking wine and having sex.
We should get some dinner and swine at my place.
by T* Rock April 30, 2009
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Wine mixed with sprite. You usually do this with really disgusting wine.
"Oi bobby, this glass of wine tastes absolutely terrible".
"Why gods, you're absolutely right, let's mix some sprite with it".

"Great idea bobby! This will make it easier on the pallet."

"I know, let's call it Swine™".
by Melkiah May 2, 2012
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Saturated White Insolent Noisy Entitled - SWINE.
A large demographic in the western world today. Fat white people with a lot of sass, arrogance, stupidity, and unfounded opinions which are broadcasted throughout the media. Those who oppose SWINE are censored.
by EmoWithAttitude August 4, 2022
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The act of severely whining about the swine flu, annoying all peers and co-workers.


James: "Dude! Stop fucking swining!"


Josh: "Ugh Swine flu sucks soooo much I WISH I didn't have it."

John: "Shut the fuck up (please) and stop swining! It's no diff than reg flu, pussy."
by witherwtf October 28, 2009
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Stringing pigs on a line, like a strand of perals.
I've been swining all night! Here's your strand of pigs.
by Harleypig August 30, 2011
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