blowing your nose

Usually whenever your nose gets runny, you grab a tissue, put it against your nose and blow thru your nose, this technique is called 'blowing your nose'.
1. Where's a tissue, I need to blow my nose
2. When are you going to stop using all the tissues, You keep on blowing your nose
by Dr. Watson May 5, 2007
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blowing your nose

1. Dammmmn she had a nice ass. I am going to go blow my nose.
2. I am so horny I am going to go blow my nose.
3. I have to go to the bathroom and blow my nose.
by Wicket the Ewok August 4, 2005
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blow your nose

A term often used in video game chat directed towards a individual with an annoyingly nasally voice.
xlxMadQUICKSCOPESxlx: I got a hit marker on you!!!! 1v1 me!!!!!

average gamer: blow your nose nerd
by Nathan Gill June 11, 2011
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blow your nose

Junior misunderstood when his dad saw a booger in his nostril and told him, "blow your nose." He's been enjoying a steady diet of coke ever since.
Don't ever tell a cocaine addict, "blow your nose," because they will take it literally.
by Polly Mathers October 1, 2020
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