
"You look like a swine today"
"gee thanks patrica, i went for the pig look today"
by daddyydolan August 2, 2018
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You swine!
You complete and utter swine!
by History! November 15, 2016
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It means 'pig', it has been used by my grandma for years and is probably the best word ever. Usually said when sitting in a dining room with a slice of batenburg and a cup of coffee loaded with cream.
"eee shes a proper little swine her"
"shes a swine"
by anon August 23, 2004
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probably one of the best words ever...
swine can be used in any situation to degrade another person...
it basically just means theyre lower than scum plaus whatever else you want it to mean...
context plays a big part and so does the way you say it
leave me alone you swine!

look at that fucking swine.

that man is a filthy swineish animal...

you are the swine of all swine

you filthy swinebag!
by yL0p February 17, 2007
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person 1: let’s swine tonight in the lake!
person 2: dude i’m so down
by catgirl99 July 1, 2019
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1. A police officer, aka pig

2.A synonym for pig, usually derisive. Often said by people who dislike/abstain from pork consumption(i.e. Muslims, Orthodox jews.)
I do not eat swine, it is an unclean animal.
by Henry Lynn December 9, 2004
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An officer of the law. Negative connotation.
Yeah, that swine gave me a ticket for going 2 miles over the speed limit in Jacksonville!
by Bungalow Bill December 31, 2002
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