Shut the fuck off is a good word init? Don't get me wrong i like fuck off but i'm preferring it. I can say shut up and fuck off at the some time with the same line. (I dunno, but it made sense in my mind.)
Jaimie: I love Kaitlin bennett you know
George: Shut the fuck off
by Satan's best mate June 2, 2020
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What you should probably fucking do, you poor excuse of a human being
You, a retard: *talking random idiotic bullshit no one gives two fucks about*
Anyone with two or more braincells: You ever just shut the fuck up have you ever thought about that you should just shut the f
by Norskanon April 19, 2020
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the words that is told to a person who talks about the stupidest shit...
by Annie November 12, 2004
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shut the fuck up...please
shut the fuck up...please...i did say please! Please Shut the Fuck UP! Goddamit...SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING CUNT!
by J September 8, 2003
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Something you offer to a person who cannot get the hint that it is time to stop talking.
She: "... and then she said that we could go shopping at the mall. And so I said, that sounds like a good idea. So she drove us there, but then we could not find a place to park so we decided to go get something to eat..."

He: "Excuse me, would you like a cup of shut the fuck up?"
by Bama G-Man July 15, 2008
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From the Cohen Brothers production, The Big Lebowski. Used to express irritation with someone who is ignorant, obnoxious, or asks too many questions.
"What's a petter ass, Walter?"

"Shut the fuck up, Donnie."
by not mike ditka October 29, 2004
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