a person who cannot make decisions for themselves, must always have other people do things for them. also, makes very low decisions that are foolish.
gracie: "hey did you hear about how conor had drew dump cloe for him?"
ariana: "yeaa what a shallow asshole!"

by mrs. swan December 13, 2007
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An adjective used to describe basically anyone attractive. SEE, pretty people MUST be shallow, huh? In a lot of cases, this is true, but not because of their appearance. A lot of people who don't fit society's standard of pretty are as shallow as a petri dish.

Also used to describe people who can pick out any guy/girl to ask out or talk to just by looking at them.
"I am NOT shallow, I like people with depth!! Nevermind that my main concern is how I look and appear to other people!"
-Paraphrase of speech given by an undeniably deep person... well the true stuff that wasn't said, anyways.
by Shameless Plug January 12, 2004
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What ugly people call good looking people just because they got turned down. Sorry I just can't see myself kissing some ugly chick.
"Will you go out with me?"
"Why not."
"You're ugly."
"You're shallow!"
"Ha ha"
by Me February 22, 2005
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1) Someone who says that a certain band is "Th3 b3St3stt b4Nd EvA".
2) People who judge wholly on looks.
-It's not shallow to be more attracted to a girl/guy who's "hot". It's instinct to get a "mate" who has appealing genes.-

1) All U2 fans.

2) Most cheerleaders/jocks.
by Shallower Than Thou August 2, 2005
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What fat, cocksucking ugly cunts call you after you turn them down because deep down theyre sad that theyre fat dirty scumbags who no one wants! Looks arent everything but im not going to touch some big greaseball.
"your like, so shallow because i smell like an anchovies twat!"- some stupid fatass.
by da hood' November 3, 2004
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1. A person who goes out with another person strictly because of their looks. Its great and ugly people should die and burn. Im hott so i dont have to worry about ugly chicks. Ugly chicks can suck my dick and then die.

2. what i am
guy 1:DUDE SHES SOO HOTT! I'd date her in a heartbeat.

guy 2: Hell yea me 2!

Fugly girl: You guys are so shallow :'(

guy 1&2: Suck my dick!
by I am so shallow! May 12, 2005
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A person that won't tell you that for every 100 pounds you outweigh the average person, your life is going to be made that much more difficult by the average person, and that's just the way it's always been and always will be (and yet life will go on anyway, because it's bigger than any one fat or skinny person). Instead a shallow manipulator says don't let something somebody said or did get to you (while seeing an oppurtunity to walk all over somebody for saying the word fat, a common enough word in most people's vocabulary), even when it's human for things to get to people, and to tell them not to let it is to tell them not to be human, to be more like a machine, like you, the shallow manipulator.
The shallow machine loved to call everyone but himself/herself heartless, thinking that everyone was uglier inside than him/her, and had an uglier heart.
by The Original Agahnim December 8, 2021
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