Somone who has never loved before, and has tryed so many times to do so. They eventually realize love is a wasted emotion.
I am heartless...
by The heartless wonder. February 21, 2010
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Those without hearts. Originally human, and mutated by Ansem, these creatures seek and consume other's hearts, thus making more Heartless. They thrive on the hearts of different worlds, and destroy the worlds in the process. Greatly fear the Keyblade.
"Confound it Heartless! Why don't you leave us alone?" -D.Duck
"The Heartless have great fear for the Keyblade." -Leon
by Kage Tsuwamono September 2, 2003
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Lacking empathy/compassion.

synonym: republican
synonym: limbic retardation

antonym: morally upstanding
antonym: compassionate/empathic
Disproportionately decreasing taxes paid by the rich.
Spending irresponsibly.
Giving up on the United Nations.
Expressing pseudo-interest in global cooperation.
by Ratio May 22, 2005
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Heartless are interesting creatures. Created from the bodies of those who have lost their hearts, they have one purpose: to destroy the gate to Kingdom Hearts, thus overflowing the Four Planes of Existance with Heartless. The Heartless come in many varieties, but are most commonly seen as Shadow-types.
"Those without hearts... I shall call them Heartless." -Ansem
by FinalHazard March 31, 2004
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the embodiment of all that is wrong with society
wow i really love heartless
by dave March 21, 2003
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treating what others say like they are robots
Man: it felt like it meant that she liked me.

Woman: but you don't know; it could mean anything.

Man: but I've had experiences...

Woman: can we change the subject.

Man: what? Now?

Woman: I know I've been heartless.
by Ereck Flowers April 10, 2015
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