When you get a boner while riding a bicycle.
Frank, the bike messenger, was couldn't help but joust when he saw a hot latina chick in a thong walk down the street.
by Strider51 April 26, 2010
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when your girl is on her hands and knees and you run full force with your boner and ram her in the ass.
by Rayne95 December 29, 2015
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Using ones erect penis against another person or friend with an erect penis and running at full speed at each other and whoever gets stabbed by the erect penis loses.
"Oh man my stomach has an enormous bruise from when your dick hit me at our last jousting session"

"Fuck dude my black eye isn't getting much better from jousting last friday"
by Negro Flakes March 3, 2009
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A game involving the classic Easter candy, Marshmallow Peeps. Each Peep has a toothpick sticking out of the front of it, like a lance. Two Peeps, so armed, are placed in a microwave facing each other. As they are heated, they expand, until one Peep's toothpick makes contact with the other, causing the unfortunate bugger to pop.
Peep jousting is one of the few things those nasty lumps of sugar are actually good for.
by sminturn November 3, 2006
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When two or more men run at each other, fully erect, trying to knock the other(s) over.
Sir Broderick: Stand down, Sir Ian! The crown is surely mine.
Sir Ian: And what are you proposing?
Sir Broderick: A Dick Joust, the greater man will be left standing.
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When two people take a mattress off a bed(usually in a dorm hallway),hold it in front of them holding it by the sides or the back and get a big distance between them. Then, they run and charge into each other and whoever stays standing is the winner.A commonly known late-night college activity.
I grabbed my mattress and ran at Cody after I heard we were mattress jousting.
by Big Short January 21, 2009
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The act of two males sword fighting using their erect penises, often to duel for a woman's affections
They decided to settle their differences through hilt jousting
by No puttz January 24, 2015
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