1. a tingling feelin u get when u meet a guy or a girl, and u two just love being with each other. to find luv, is really hard, i think. luv is luck pretty much, and is like poker. Once u find a girl or guy, and u play ur cards right, the ones ur delt with, he or she will be yours forever. now in poker, theres a thing called bluff too, and that can happen in your luv life too. when u meet someone, they might be bluffin for anything u have. money or fame. u gotta be careful. Luv is also like a bomb. U skrew with it, its going to blow up right infront of u.
2. luv is hard to find. for some reason, my partner josh, has already got the luv of his life. Me, i got nothin. its hard, deffinently, but if u play ur cards right, ull get wat u want. and sometimes, u can just give up, and be single the rest of ur fuckin life.
josh luvs megan
megan luvs josh
josh luvs megan more
megan luvs josh morer
by Chet and Josh November 4, 2004
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A way to show a person that you care very little if at all for what they are saying
by Csjlove June 17, 2018
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Have you heard that new song by Luv?
by KineticPanda February 9, 2018
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Used in replacement of the word 'love' when you tell a platonic friend u 'love' them... or when you're not ready to tell your significant other you 'love' them.
Hey steph, I luv u girl
I luv u, but I'm not in love with you
by PnCts88 October 17, 2018
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Say Luv or Say love is a slang form of saying see you later, I understand and say swear. You can also use it when you're shocked about something.
Example 1:
Person 1: “ay, what you leavin now Yh”
Person 2: “Yhyh”
Person 1: “Ayt say luvvv”

Example 2:
Person 1: “Guess what, I bought a new Merc”
Person 2: “What! Say luvv

Example 3:
Person 1: “Bro I can’t roll thru tonight”
Person 2: “Ahh ayt say luv
by Lam X Armz X Awizzy February 18, 2023
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Just like Sci Fi(science fiction), Luv Fi stands for 'Love Fiction'.
This is commonly depicted in motion pictures where its love story will not occur in reality.
Girl: I always cry whenever I watch that movie...T_T

Boy: Calm down, girl. It's just a Luv Fi movie which also means it'll never happen to you.

Girl: Thanks for the advice =D
by Lugiamcg December 10, 2009
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A musical series created by Japanese hip hop artists Nujabes and Shing02. The series contains 6 parts which all tell a love story. Luv(sic) means a mistake or a mess up in a relationship.
luv(sic) part 2 is my favorite part!
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