An 'Existential Crisis' is when an individual questions the entire meaning of life itself and wonders if being alive even has a point. This gets in the way of everyday things such as, eating cereal, listening to the next step soundtrack on repeat and being vegan.
'she ruined my holiday!'
'don't worry about it Richard, she just had an existential crisis'
by BigNose395 November 19, 2019
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Something that will destroy humanity and even the Earth. This is often pushed by the media to get everybody paranoid for ratings.
An existential threat can be a nuclear Holocaust that never happens.
by Me Roboto December 16, 2022
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A saying or proverb that stimulates deep thinking but does not satisfy
Professor Nick loved to serve his students existential appetizers in Ethics 101 and they hated him for it
by von groovy March 31, 2019
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Obsessively looking for answers, not knowing why you exist, looking for the meaning of life and your reason to be here on Earth.
"My best friend of 5 years told me he was an existential crisis.. I simply asked my therapist what I should have answered.. His response, "Run!"
by olanchoparaiso February 23, 2017
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If you’re 1 inch deep in to your mom and your dad is 1 inch deep into you which way do you move to get out forwards or backwards?
You wanna hear an existential question
Oh I alredy heard and I wanna go back and fourth 69 times
by Sofa king hot March 5, 2021
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Nervous or paranoid tics resulting in an overwhelming desire to yell or inability to control anger aimed at those who don't appreciate the gravity of serious matters that cause the rest of humanity to suffer as a result.
During the pandemic, John let existential tourettes get the better of him when he shouted at a crowd of people not wearing facemasks, "God d****t, this is why we can't have nice things, you f*****s!"
by SlackerPoet5884 July 16, 2020
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A technical philosophical term coined by a great philosophy professor
1) One that is completely and utterly ignorant to their existential worth.

2) A person that does not allow for existential growth due to their lack of understanding of either themselves or of the necessity
Maxwell is such a nihilist, he doesn't get out of bed all day, he doesn't contribute to society in any way. He is SUCH an existential nincompoop.
by BanthamsNightofFaithe October 8, 2018
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