A vulgar word describing a man who continually performs oral sex on a female causing bacteria build up on teeth and gums.
Bryan was accused of being a dipper after he smiled and was offered a mint.
by Chris S April 30, 2004
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A thin, hollow, glass, tube-shaped device for smoking crack...Sold in Cincinnati with a plastic rose in it, with the "rose" stem through the body of the dipper...As a "flower holder"...I guess...
I'm gonna wait for that dipper to cool down before I put another rock in it.
by Uncle Beasley April 3, 2006
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DIPPER, is pretty much a sexual manouvere. Basically to dipper something is like having sex with something but when you do the thrusting movement you dip downwards in a diagonal movement.
Also if you shout dipper and wave your hands above your head this means you are up for a dipper.
Calvin : Yo man DIPPPER (waves hands above head)

Sam and Adam : DIPPER (waving the hands above there heads and lunging)

Calvin : nice dipper!

Sam : thanks

Adam : DIPPERR!!!!
by LawesPowerHolt December 14, 2010
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Someone with lots of money who is willing to spend all of it, even to the point of bankruptcy, to outfit his/her ride with chrome.
Yo man, Johnny's sucha chrome dipper, his momma ain't got no place to live!
by Cheria January 5, 2008
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When the guy dips his junk into a glass of Tequila and she then sucks it off.
Dude, she got waisted from my tequila dippers.
by Tenday May 23, 2020
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A penis so small that it barely passes the the lips of a womans vagina.
Jenny: "So was Rick's bragging about him being hung true or not?"
Mary: "No. In fact, he was nothing but a lip dipper."
by dabeastbigG November 23, 2009
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