1) "lumpy" semen, as though from a dehydrated person.
2) ejaculate that becomes lumpy after exposure to water, as during a mutual shower.
I shouldn't have come so soon after that race. All I could get out was man curd.


WTF! Simmons must have been the bucket man: He's got man curd all over him.
by Chuck Sorenson April 9, 2007
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Cottage cheese that is of the large curd variety.
"For dinner today I had large curd because it is a great source of protein."
by Jogoman May 23, 2008
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A rather humorous way of referring to what some may call a "bearded clam." Often times the word will be used in reference to having sex with a nasty hooker.
What are you doing tonight?

I am going into the city to pick up chicks. If all else fails, I might be settling for some curd casserole.
by trotwoodian October 18, 2009
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When a man shaves his nuts and his girl sucks them till they squeak.
I gave Angie some fresh Cheese Curds last night.
by Trey-J September 3, 2016
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slang - "to smoke marijuana." or "to get high."

A: Yo, I just got a twenty sac!
B: Word? Let's go gas the curds!
by Evan Harley January 16, 2006
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When a woman has dried sperm (male or female) on her pubes or anywhere on the outside or near her pussy. Similar to dick cheese.
guy 1 "Damn why did you break up with that bitch she got a fine ass!"

guy 2 "She had fuckin pussy curds!"

guy 1 "Nasty!"


guy 1 "You suck dick!"

guy 2 "Well you smell like pussy curds!"
by urban dictionary guru November 11, 2009
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When someone farts so hard you can taste it (like chewing on curd)

When someone farts so hard it sounds like they turded in their pants.
Wife: Damn! Did you fart?
Husband: Yeah! it was a real turd curd!
by phantom gas chamber December 18, 2009
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