misunderstood. someone who looks like they can hurt you. someone who's intentions are always good but end up hurting people they love due to their nature. beautiful disasters.
She scared me- but her voice was sweet and her eyes engulfed me into a trance. She was a cactus, and I knew getting close was going to hurt.
by messygal August 24, 2016
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When something is completely and utterly broken. Not beyond repair, but without any incentive to repair itself or be repaired. Can apply to circumstances not just objects.
Bro my wheel just fell of my car, and my car insurance didn't cover it. The whole thing is cactus.
by The Range March 8, 2022
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Slang term for being really out-of-it; caused by being overly tired, stoned, hungover, or just generally spaced-out, etc.
Person 1: "Wait, what time did you say he was coming over again? I keep forgetting..."

Person 2: "Wow, I've told you like three times.... Cactus!"

Person 1: "Haha, yeah- I'm mad cactus."
by Marti P. B. July 6, 2009
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A spikey plant found commonly in deserts. Cacti when refering to more than one.
You walk into the desert an there are fairly tall green spikey plants, these are cacti. A cactus on it's own in a desert is near impossible.
by [Hidden for privacy reasons] December 17, 2011
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The delicate art of having sex 2-3 days after shaving your man-pubes, timing it so that your schlong is at the height of the prickly 'Cactus-like' phase.
Guy's Friend - "So, did you have fun with Jessie last night?"

Guy - "Yeah, I totally pulled 'The Cactus' on her, that's what she get's for never making me a sammich!
by CaptainNMorgan July 28, 2010
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Someone who gets alot of pussy, but is still thirsty for some reason.
"Yooo I need to get some bro!"

"Nigga you just had sex like a day ago.."

"I knowwww but Im still fuckin thirsty!"

"You a cactus ass nigga.."
by KenjiMishima June 23, 2014
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