As in now. Don't wait. Hurry up and wait? No. Cum over and over and over. However many times that you can. Forever and ever, amen. Shit. Damn. Fuck me. Now. Do I need to explain these two beautiful words any further? I don't think it is possible to elaborate anymore. Well, you can always try! Submit another definition.
Where and when and how and what do you want me to come over? Here? There? Any and everywhere. As long as it is with you. Then, maybe we could start dating. I need you to prove yourself worthy of significant other in my life.
by Femalesheep June 15, 2014
by linus cumminlinus February 15, 2020
by Alade November 16, 2021
Using a comb to part hair over a balding area of the head; trying to hide what everyone knows is there.
by jacki May 31, 2004
by lotta0000 July 31, 2011
Someone visits you and a sexual encounter is expected.
by Ms. woMAN October 30, 2011
by Hue Gcaulck October 12, 2015