sit on the inside of a barrel naked and shout out dirty talk to your partner on the outside who is meanwhile masturbating and just before ejaculating they enter a hole of the barrel and spunk over their partner then push them down a hill spilling the contents all over them.
i once tried barrelling with my boyfriend, it was a messy situation but he made sure to shower thoroughly ;)
by pennynickle May 30, 2009
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A term used in aussie rules football. A kind of kick where the ball travels end first spinning in counter-clockwise/ clockwise motion which is more aerodynamic than more commonly used drop punt. It is used to maximise distance of the balls travel.
Barrels it from 65, its going, it's not gonna make the dist- WHAT A GOAL. He's put it through.
by coinroller August 3, 2007
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Do u got a barrel?; Lets smoke sum barrel
by inland empire spinners April 10, 2009
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A popular passtime for Northerners during the late 19th Centuary.
A barrel would be placed in a public place with a selection of holes in it at different heights. The contents of the barrel would normally be a petty criminal who would have to spend a period of time "in the barrel".
Local men would visit the barrel and insert their manhoods into the holes of the barrel until the petty criminal had performed an oral sex act on them.
Judge - "Mr Lock you have been found guilty of the theft of a loaf of bread, do you have anything further to say?"

Mr Lock "Eh up t'honour I was jost a bit t'hungry"

Judge "that is no excuse! Guards take him forth from here and place him IN THE BARREL for 7 days and nights"
by TheDogboy February 27, 2008
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Mexicans store everything they own, including family members in these things.
"Thank you for the barrel. I can put my wire and little brother in it.
by BubbleTickle January 11, 2009
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A girl with a big or great back. (Booty)
by Gabe D. May 1, 2007
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