A alternative to a curse word, I.E. shit balls hoes ass fuck dammit.

Use it to describe something so ugly,repulsive,disgusting,nasty,or just pissing you off that you'd use it to wipe your ass.

Usually said by 9th graders in California.
"Have you asked Johnny to the dance yet Sally?"
"No,I'm too shy."
by isaBALLA September 28, 2008
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What my mother calls me when she is mad.
Me: "Mom wake up I need some money"

Mom: " Why did you wake me up asswipe!"

by HarmonyNoelani April 21, 2008
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1) Flaming and pissy person who won't shut up and generally makes a total ass of themselves.
2) Someone whose primary and sole purpose of existance is as a plunger.
3) Can be used as multiple parts of a sentence.
1) Newby is an asswipe, he just won't shutup.
2) Newby is an asswipe, he needs to clean the shit out of his ears.
3) Newby is such an asswiping asswipe, I can't asswiping believe that asswipe.
by oh that guy again February 10, 2004
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1. An idiot or seemingly stupid individual. or someone who is just being an asshole.

2a). a device that has been used to
remove excrement from the anus.

2b.) a person who resembles in behavior, language or attitude

2c)a device used to remove excrement.

3. Someone you would wipe your ass with.
"He is so godamed stupid...... freakin asswipe.
("freakin" is always prior to "asswipe")

1) She used the poison ivy as an asswipe.

2) I can't believe he kicked the keg! What an Asswipe!

3. I have to shit, come over here steve!
by nameless October 29, 2004
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stuffs to wipe you ass with after taking a major dump.
Dard used up most of the asswipes after having issues with the food he ate the previous night.
by bob December 20, 2002
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George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfield, Karl Rove, Condi Rice
These Asswipes should be tried for treason!
by ElSea April 4, 2006
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A word used to describe someone, who could wipe asses as a job. They're an absolute nuisance to be around and constantly will annoy the crap out of you. The sight of this person will make you cringe and possibly make you want to kill yourself.
P1: "Dude he's such an asshole."
P2: "I think the word you're looking for is asswipe."
by agent.s September 13, 2015
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