" i tuned my girlfriend up real good last night"

"that guy is a dude tuner"
by panty lotion September 11, 2008
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estimate, close appraisal, rounded figure.
We are asking for donations to the tune of $1,000.
by Chad Deese November 3, 2003
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acknowledgment of a great song, confirmation of the song name.
*Drake's new single comes on the radio*

guy1: is this drizzy?

guy 2: yea man, tune that!
by @ $ # ! ]< October 30, 2010
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1. To tune someone: to confront them/request something
2. To "tune" someone (insult them)
Rene: Hey, we're out of bread.
Bats: Please tune your mom to go buy some.

Jake: Aw, you're such a faggot.
Brenda: No, I'm not.
Tim: I'd NEVER let someone tune me faggot, bru.
by planetchad June 15, 2009
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The act of passionately kissing a stranger, otherwise known as a "random", most often in the middle of a crowded club.
Dude! I just tuned the hottest chick.

Babe! I just tuned some ugly guy hehehe
by J Burger July 29, 2005
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(pronounced "choon")

(South African surfer's English. Derivation unk.)

To tune somebody is to:

a). tell somebody something in no uncertain terms
b). to scold, upbraid or dress-down someone
c). to order someone about, direct them firmly.
Example 1: "Now that we're prefects we can tune all these lighties what to do."

Translation: "Now that we're prefects (upperclassmen), we can tell all these younger kids what to do."

Example 2: "At the braaivleis last night, I ran into this ouk who was totally pissed motherless. But I tuned him, ek se."

Translation: "At the barbecue last night, I ran into this guy who was extremely drunk. But I put that guy in his place very decisively, I tell you."
by david lincoln brooks November 16, 2010
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