13 definitions by Chad Deese


ASL or asl; Abbreviation for Age, Sex, and Location. Used in computer chat as a question to gain basic personal information. Usually frowned upon as an impersonal and annoying introduction.
Chatter 1: Hi,asl?
Chatter 2: 27/male/Florida
by Chad Deese October 17, 2003
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Relatives; people of whom you are kin.
I will spend this Thanksgiving with my kinfolk.
by Chad Deese October 17, 2003
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The coin-collector gave the dipwad $5 for a $100 coin.

What a dipwad!
by Chad Deese October 17, 2003
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Christian term for accepting, and believing in, Christ. To be written in the "Lambs Book of Life."
I have been saved since I was seventeen years old.
by Chad Deese October 17, 2003
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1. Shoes
2. For fun
1. I need some new kicks for school.
2. We stole the mascot just for kicks.
by Chad Deese November 7, 2003
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If the sign on the door says "Occupied" it means that I am inside tapping her ass!
by Chad Deese October 19, 2003
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to the tune of

estimate, close appraisal, rounded figure.
We are asking for donations to the tune of $1,000.
by Chad Deese November 3, 2003
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