The worst Spiderman so far and for some reason teenage girls love him even though he should've never been Spiderman. Spiderman is supposed to be a nerd/bullied kid from Queens, tom Holland is a perfect boy who doesn't fit the character at all. Spiderman is the second most American super hero, behind obviously capitain America, and guess where tom Holland is from, FUCKING BRITAIN he isn't even from America let alone New York and therefore doesn't deserve to bear the title of Spiderman
Idiotic teenage girl: Oh my God did you see Spider-Man far from home?
Other idiotic teenage girl: Yes isn't Tom Holland so cute? How about you?
Normal logical person: you bet your sweet bippy I did, and FUCK TOM HOLLAND
by Fuck tom holland August 13, 2019
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The hottest guy you will ever lay eyes on
Girl: Do you know who Tom Holland is?
Girl 2: Yeah, he is so hot!
by A hurt girl online February 28, 2019
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Tom Holland is the best guy you’ll ever meet. He is sweet kind and always has time for a good laugh around. Only the lucky people will get to see his read and ambitious side to his personality. If your name is Chloe Peters you would be a great match with Tom, because of how you’re personalities are so similar, so you just get each other. If you ever know or ever have met a Tom Holland you should be lucky at the experience you had! Also when your around him don’t forget to cover your ears for the spoilers he’s going to be blurting out!
Wow you see the gorgeous man over there, that’s Tom Holland”
by llaamadramaobama July 15, 2019
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A hot British guy who plays Spider-Man with a killer American accent Loves his dog tessa who is the cutest thing ever. He should be the next James Bond. He has three really fit brothers paddy Sam and Harry. His best friends Harrison is really fit And he needs to do a movie with Zac efron. Spoils everything in his movies. Needs to stop being boyfriend material if he not going to be my boyfriend
U seen the movie with Tom Holland in isn’t he sexy
by MelodyandZac February 11, 2019
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A cute and hot British man who deserves the whole world. He plays spider man and can put on an amazing American accent. He likes quacksons and can not keep a secret to save his life! He loves his adorable blue staffie, Tessa. And plays a hot Rihanna!
“Tom holland is a lil cutie
“Did you see Tom Holland in Spider Man Hoco? He’s the best spider man by far!”
by TomHollandQuackson October 11, 2018
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A smol and soft lil precious bean that deserves the world. He’s so freaking gorgeous and he’s spiderman so shut your face. He has an adorable blue staffy named Tessa. He deserves everything. He also pronounced croissant as quackson but that joke is dead so.
Person: “Oh hey didn’t Tom Holland play spiderman in Infinity War?”
Person: “ He looks like he didn’t feel so good *laughs at their own joke*
Me: you are dead to me. bye.
by Gisele LaFrance August 5, 2018
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Tom Holland is the most perfect, beautiful, amazing, hot person to ever walk the universe. England is his city and he plays spiderman. He is the best option for the next James Bond and he loves quacksons and his dog Tessa
Tom Holland is so perfect

Tom Holland has a perfect face
by Ijustlovetomholland August 19, 2018
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