The name that Elaine Benes and David Puddy used to refer to the passenger who was sitting next to them on the plane.
Jerry: Who's that?
Elaine: Oh that's vegetable lasagna.
Vegetable Lasagna: That's not my name!
by Penny P July 19, 2008
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After eating pizza, you go and fuck a girl. As you’re about to come- pull out, puke on her, all while jizzing on her face. Hence, the lasagna.
Girl- what the fuck was that?!?

You- a homemade lasagna just for you baby. Enjoy the fresh ricotta.
by disgustingfemale November 10, 2017
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When one is defecating, and they believe they're finished, they wipe their ass only to realize that they were not quite done. They defecate further, and wipe again. This may continue to go on for multiple cycles. What one is left with is Shit Lasagna, due to the layering of shit and toilet paper.

Note: This term is officially listed in the Seeker's Mantown Dictionary.
After an hour on the can, I had created a full course of shit lasagna.
by theKman77 November 12, 2006
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A vagina that has been around the block a few too many times. Hangs kinda loose and probably had large sausage enter it and leave it dangling with extra skin that looks like a slice of lasagna turned upright. Can fit anything in there and will need larger and larger to get any feeling.
That chick has had a lot of boyfriends, her VA-JJ probably looks like a punched lasagna.
by GreedyGoblin August 10, 2020
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Leaky Lasagna otherwise known as the double L, happens when you fuck a girl so hard she throws up the lasagna from the night before. But the catch is you have to eat it
Yo i heard Anna had Leaky Lasagna last night
by Dragoncox9000 February 26, 2023
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a bowl that is packed with layers of (in this order from bottom up)
weed, wax, weed, wax, weed
*caution you are going to be baked
Toby " Ay you down for some thc lasagna for dinner?"
Paige " Oh fuck yes im so down for some thc lasagna:)"
by trapfloor3 December 19, 2014
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