3 definitions by theKman77

A vortex of ass. The origin of the stink.

Note: This term is officially listed in the Seeker's Mantown Dictionary.
The Asstex is over there by Shaybah.
by theKman77 November 12, 2006
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When one is defecating, and they believe they're finished, they wipe their ass only to realize that they were not quite done. They defecate further, and wipe again. This may continue to go on for multiple cycles. What one is left with is Shit Lasagna, due to the layering of shit and toilet paper.

Note: This term is officially listed in the Seeker's Mantown Dictionary.
After an hour on the can, I had created a full course of shit lasagna.
by theKman77 November 12, 2006
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Physical exercise related to the penis. Often performed when drunk, to the dismay of those nearby.

Note: This term is officially listed in the Seekers' Mantown Dictionary.
Time to shut Ken off, he's performing cockisthenics.
by theKman77 October 27, 2007
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