verb, pronounciation (to nine-eleven): to lie to somebody, partially telling the truth with the purpose of deceiving somebody.
When your girlfriend comes back from a holliday, and you suspect her of cheating on you, you say:

Listen up, you better tell me what happened and don't even try to 9/11 me!
by ErikZ October 14, 2006
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The day and title of a mass-murder committed by President George W. Bush and the Republican party to further their political agenda. The day 3000 innocent lives were ended so that the rest of America would have their rights and privacy stripped away, to protect them from the "terrorists", which are really the American politicians themselves.
9/11 was simply put, a pulled trigger for the War on Terrorism; if every American were more critical in their decision making instead of swallowing the shit of their dumb-ass president, maybe this conspiracy could be brought to light. but its too late now, isn't it? No one cares anymore, its "history". May Bush burn in hell with Condolezza Rice, Dick Cheny and the rest of the Republicans. Osama may be somewhat evil, but he's nowhere close to how bad (or stupid) our good fucking friend mister Bush is.
by fuckamerica123 April 22, 2008
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A Tragic day, were innocent people were a victim to an elobrate clever scheme plotted by thier own government, to gain the green light for slaughtering people and raiding countries.
All incidents of that day remain very vague, all jews recieven notes before the accident infroming them that would happen. No jews went to the WTC on that day (hmm a miracle? lol)

After that incident, Afghanistan was occupied, then Iraq, stealing all of Iraqi's petrol, COUNTLESS UNARMED CIVILIANS were brutally murdered, Many women were raped by marines, and killed in thier homes. Not to mention the multiple torture prisons. All thats under the name of "Fighting Terrorism" ironic isn't it?

It is after 9/11, USA aquired new lands, new markets, displayed its military power, was able to RE-plant opium in afghanistan, was able to Obtain the number one source of Oil in the world (We all know how oil is the most vital product worldwide). And further more, engaged a clear war on Islam/Muslims/And Arabs, giving them the right to arrest any of them under now known reason, torture them, and propably kill them or imprison them for the rest of thier life (perhaps conducting human expirements on them, hmmm?)

A basic law in investigations, states, if u want to find the criminal, you look for the person who gains the most from the crime.
by M.H November 11, 2006
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1) The day that the United States government finally topped the Kennedy assasination in scale of lies it has the ability to sell to it's own citizens, in order to get funding and backing for a war we didn't need against a people who did nothing to merit the invasion in the first place.
see- illuminati, NWO, Martial law, fucked.
by jrh5356 April 16, 2005
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September 11th 2001 is a day shrouded in mystery. The Government has no logical explanation as to why Tower 7 fell... so they did not mention it in the 9/11 Commission Report which was a team under the control of the Bush Administration to investigate 9/11. More and more, Americans believe there should be a new more in depth investigation to uncover more answers.

People simply want realistic answers to questions that deserve answers.

To this day, the Government gives no logical explanation for:

Explotions in basements of both Tower 1 & 2 prior to the airplanes striking.
Unability to recover planes at the Pentagon & the dissapearance of flight 93.
Why Dick Cheney was in charge of NORAD that day when this has never happened before.
Why people heard and videos show multiple small explotions as if through a controlled demolition.
Why pools of melted metal was found when jet fuel can not melt fire proofed steel.
Why Tower 1 & 2 fell at free fall speed (no resistance) which is only seen in controlled demolitions by support columns being blown out.
Why no videos show the Pentagon being struck by a airplane.
Why the FBI refuses to release the videos of the Pentagon incident.
Why the claimed terrorists who hijacked the planes are alive and well, never on the flights.
Why the FBI has not updated their hijackers list upon light of this information.
by Christopher Kylling May 31, 2008
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9/11 marked the begining of what george bush senior calls "new world order". 9/11 was an inside job and was planned and executed by members of the busch administration, cia, military and other government agencies. i know this sounds crazy but think about it. how could 19 towel heads take over 4 planes, TURN OFF COURSE FOR ALMOST AN HOUR,manage to waltz into the most protected airspace on the planet ( the pentagon ), and just manage to fly planes into buildings without being intercepted by military jets. seriously, theres so much more to it. i suggest you watch "Loose Change Final Cut" or "9/11 Ripple Effect" both found on google video. doesn't matter what your beleifs are, watch these vids and you will see that 9/11 wasn't as advertized.
- 2 drone (fake/disguised) planes with extra equipment attached to the bottom possibly a missle or a pod hit wtc buildings 1 and 2.
- the pentagon was not hit by a plane, but evidence leads to the possibility of a cruise missle
- plane headed for the white house was being tracked by the military but then overthrown by passengers and purposely crashed it into the ground as a sacrifice. although theres no plane to be found in the crater, just tiny bits of plane spread over an 8 mile radius. shot down? dick cheney says no, evidence and common sense says ya.
- 9/11 was a pretext for invading afghanistan and iraq, the government lied about weapons of mass destruction and terrorists. why are we in the middle east fighting?
by KK33VVIINN April 5, 2008
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The day George Bush truly fucked us over. Funny how 1 prior to the attacks we were buddies with the Al Qaeda, how we funded them 6 billion dollars in the 80's - early 90's then blame the Muslim Religion. The "Confession Tape" was complete bullshit, 1. he was wearing a gold ring which is forbidden in Muslim religion, and 2. he signed a note and kept gesturing with his right hand, when with a little research, anyone with common sense will know he is LEFT HANDED.

Fact is, 9/11 was staged by our very own U.S government and very little Americans want to believe it. Simply go on youtube and watch the twin towers fall yourselves, they fell straight down like a planned demolition bombing, if u look slightly below the main part where it's falling you will see yourself the small explosions right below it, explosives planted in the twin towers. On youtube watch the documentary "Loose Change" it will change your view on 9/11 forever.

People fail to see how much 9/11 benefited the Bush administration. First and foremost it gave them an excuse to attack Afghanistan, supposedly looking for Osama Bin Laden when the CIA watched him on dialysis in '98 when he was top ten for the FBI. Next, now that Bush had some americans fooled that middle east was evil, it gave him an excuse to attack Iraq, for weapons that weren't even there, yeah he has chemical weapons, but we sold him that shit after Ronald Raegon's election. All those wars are about is oil and expanding the American empire, oh don't forget about Cheny's plans to put his own personal pipelines through Afghanistan. But it don't stop there, we can't forget about the Patriot Act which is just an excuse to arrest anyone that speaks against the Bush Administration (Sounds like a dictatorship to me!)

Wake up people, 9/11 wasn't a terrorist attack, it was planned and staged carefully by the U.S government and used as a pathetic excuse to kill innocent people in the middle east, hate the Muslim religion, and expand the American empire.
The New World Order was born on September 11th, 2001. 9/11
by 9/11planned July 25, 2009
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