The govenor of Florida is his brother, the CEO of a ballot counting operation that counts almost 80% of the ballots was his campaign organizer, 91,000 eligible black democrat-favoring voters from Florida were not allowed to vote.
by the smart one March 11, 2005
The current President of The United States of America, most people refer to him as a "Jackass", or they just laugh at the thought of his name. Mr. Bush he is, what some people like to call, Meantally Challanged.
by Connor McC. April 12, 2006
"George sure solved that Saddam issue, i don't see any of you doing that."
Go Bush!
Fuck the Hippies they should all be mowed down in a tank like at Tinaman Square, Fuck You!
Go Bush!
Fuck the Hippies they should all be mowed down in a tank like at Tinaman Square, Fuck You!
by Who else is it gonna fucking be?...Wankers! October 23, 2004