When one enters a public toilet to discover the previous occupant has decided it’s time for some Italian cuisine.

One must recognise when a poo has been left in a toilet, the next logical step is to create a porcelain lasagne.


Meat - Poo
Cheese - Smegma
chamel Sauce - Semen

Pasta Sheets - Bog roll

Prep time - User discrepancy

Serves - 4-6
Preheat your oven to 180° C
Reverse Kangaroo - recommended
Holy fuck, someone has started a porcelain lasagne in this toilet, see you soon boys, it’s time for the cheese layer.
by facelymilkington September 15, 2021
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Porcelain Percussion is the bass sound heard outside a bathroom when the occupant is involved in a rear-end explosion. This event usually results in having to clean the bowl before exiting the facilities.
Cathy: Damn Bob, that was some serious Porcelain Percussion!! It almost smells as bad as my fold jam.

Bob: Thanks...if you would have done that, your toilet muffin would have slapped you in the head.
by Nate and Mike February 16, 2007
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Taking a shit but only burning drops of liquid feces are expelled. They sting the sphincter so bad that you grab the handicap bars, grimace with pain, clench your teeth and wish someone would shove an ice cube up your ass just to cool it down. If you didn't know better, you'd think hot lava was pouring from your bung.
Carl partied all night and then made a trip to Taco Hell. He suffered the next morning with the porcelain drips.
by Eaton Holgoode March 2, 2017
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you shit with such force that it obtains an adhesive that allows it to stick to the walls of the toilet
I had post-mexican blowout and discovered my tirade left the toilet riddled with porcelain magnets.
by Porcelain Magneteer October 3, 2007
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Name given to the toilet when vomiting, used in reference to holding the seat while spewing in the same manner as you would hold a bus steering wheel. Not to be confused with the porcelain pony as quoted above
Shit, I had a few too many jagers, I think i may need to drive the porcelain bus
by timb082 February 5, 2009
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Banging a girl from behind while she vomits into a toilet. Best used when said girl is completely hammered.
I gave Cally the Porcelain Cowboy last night. She was so trashed. I was like 'Yippee Ki-ah mother fucker! *smack*'
by jterry September 6, 2007
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