Pretentious hipster Douchebag degree, certifying that one is apt to frequent internet comment boards; argue for the immortality of Uwe Boll and/or think the country at large should pay attention to Williamsburg instead of nuke it.
I see by your ascot you've received your PhD.
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Pure Hard Dance

A group that host events at clubs,

known for dance stylez such as rave, shuffle, etc.

..they sell merchandise such as hoodies, which have become 'shuffling uniform' around Melbourne
Hey where'd you get ur PHD (referring to hoodie)?
-Bought it at one of their events.

You goin' to PHD tomorrow night?
-Hell yeahh!
by JáSE! June 8, 2007
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This is a level 10 degree, which many intelligent people take as part of the their academia, of Doctorate is the precursor for a future in research and professorship. A phd is a difficult degree resulting in may sleepless nights and incredible work loads. ..but if in the right time!!!!The benefits of a phd is that you become a doctor and have the legal right to put dr. in front of your name if you enjoy research and think it is for you a phd is a great stepping stone into becoming a respected doctoral scientist.
Phd is not permanent head damage
by Dr. D.G heffler March 22, 2009
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After you get your PhD, you will forever owe loans to the government.
by Anonymous October 4, 2003
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PHD means "Penetrating Hard Dick"

"I have a PHD."
by Brother Kludex September 14, 2018
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You know Amos Rawls; he is a PhD. No freaking way! Yes, he--Passed high school with Difficulty--PhD.
by John Wordsleuth October 17, 2020
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