1. a drinking spree

2. any spree or spell

3. a Jaguar automobile
Don't waste your birthday by using it as a n excuse to go out on a jag.
by The Return of Light Joker November 7, 2010
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As in..."man, I got the jags after bingeing on all of that food"
by adcockk September 18, 2007
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Swedish for 'I.' Prounced like 'YAH', not JOG, because like any Germanic language, J is prounced like the Y sound in English. The G is also silent.

(Also, object forms 'mig' and 'dig' are pronounced like 'may' and 'day.')

Here's a mini-Swedish lesson using I:

Jag själv = I myself.
Jag älskar dig = I love you.
Jag saknar dig. = I miss you.
Förlåt för att jag är en sån stor idiot = I'm sorry, I am an idiot.
vitt jag vet = As far as I know
Jag heter... = I am called...
Jag bor i... = I live in...
Jag vet {inte.} = I {don't} know.
Jag talar {englska}. = I speak {English}.

All the forms of the verbs in Swedish are the same for each personal pronoun. Any of the pronouns in the following brackets can be changed to any other pronoun in the Swedish language and it would still make sense.

{Jag} är (form of 'to be') = I am
{Jag} var (form of 'to be') = I was
{Jag} har = I have.
{Jag} hade = I had.
{Jag} ska vara = I will be (just add 'ska' to form a future tense before the infinitive.)
by VKrisja April 14, 2007
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adjective -
In the zone while drinking alcohol
Man Seanie, I have great jag going on right now!
by CCC, Inc. June 6, 2018
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to tease

someone who relentlessly teases is a jagoff - a real jerk

C'mon, I was just jaggin' ya
by mandingoe August 27, 2004
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An interest or area of knowledge.
A "thing," as in, "Are you doing that leadership conference jag this weekend?"
"Karen, do you like the new My Chemical Romance CD?"
"Nah, emo music isn't really my jag."

"George, does my tie match my shirt?"
"I dunno, man, fashion isn't my jag."
by R.K. Cooper February 11, 2008
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