This person is usually fucking bad at video games, often making his character look tall just to feel tall. To find them just try looking down.
Troy is a fucking midget

When I saw Troy running I thaught it was a midget
by Memes are my bitch April 24, 2019
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The meanest of the mean ones.
Mexican guy 2- That five foot nothing 98 pound midget dude just fucked you up ey?

Mexican guy 1- Shut the fuck up faggot!
by Solid Mantis May 18, 2020
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Midgets have a huge biological advantage since they have night vision.
Im gonna go hunting with a midget since they have noght vision.
by Salsa dude398412 March 31, 2019
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Usually about 4 foot 2 when they're ten and very curious species. They do maths on alpacas and hate Asians.
by AlpacaBinTea March 3, 2018
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A Term that is very offensive to those of small stature who prefer to be known as little people

Little Person: *round house kicks in the shin*
by TeenNinjaDwarf March 5, 2012
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