a really crappy job, usually at McDonald's that pays less than minimum wage and offers no way to move up
no high school diploma
your virginity
still lives with mom
boy: oh yeah, i heard miguel got a mcjob
girl: god, hes such a loser
by kait December 9, 2003
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Also spelled MC-JIHAD.

A holy war mainly waged against hashbrowns.
Abdullah waged his own personal MC-Jihad against McDonalds
by billy graham December 3, 2003
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A blowjob at McDonalds, usually done in a restroom under unstanitary conditions.
by Mrmcjob December 7, 2003
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He slaves away mcjobbing with minimum wage.
She suffers from mcjobbing ennui.
by ninotchka2 June 26, 2014
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A Blow job, hand job, tit job, or any kind of job given by a clown
"Yo man, i was at my kid sisters birthday party, and Bowzo gave me a mcjob"
by Mike Vaspasiano March 26, 2007
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The "favor" you get in the McDonalds bathroom
by D November 15, 2003
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"Oi Love, Want A Mcjob?"
by thenclman January 20, 2008
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