Made by KIds in 50 and 60s North London How more known as soapbox cars. I made a few.
We made the jigger from pram wheels and wood.
by old lad November 19, 2019
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That jigger is really getting on my nerves stealing all of my money and fried chicken.
by Nick6776 July 14, 2009
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A penis. Usually used when referring to a prepubescent penis.
Little Jimmy was a retarted boy so he often got his jigger caught in his zipper when he took a piss.
by danmk November 5, 2006
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When your dick erupts in a glorious display of semen.
by Pookerz May 2, 2011
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"Did you get ripped off by that black guy at the supermarket to?"
"yeah his prices are way too overpriced and he probably stole all that stuff anyway"
"hes such a jigger"
by grold100 December 11, 2009
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A larger than normal shot of liquor. Originated in Holland.
Kid after those 6 jiggers of crunk juice i was pasted.
by Brian George June 23, 2005
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