A bunch of sweaty guys grabbing and jumping on each other. also refered to as an all gay gangbang
"hey do you wanna play some football" "sure but dont tell my girlfriend"
by homosexical August 15, 2008
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Another word for soccer, the greatest sport ever.
Football is the worlds most popular sport.
by hallt94 June 21, 2008
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Football means different things in different places. In the United States of America, it refers to American Football, which involves 11 padded players (the offense) attempting to bring an oblong ball into the oppenents endzone, whereas the other 11 players (the defense) try to stop this from happening while trying to cause a turnover (interception, recovered fumble) or make the offense go 3 and out; as 4 downs are given to the offense to advance 10 yards. If they do so, they are given 4 fresh downs. To see more, search American Football or click on the link provided.

Football elsewhere refers to what I and other Americans know as soccer; which involves 11 players on each team attempting to kick a checkered sphere into the opponents goal. Hands can only be used by the goalie, who can not leave the rectangle in front of their goal; other players must move the ball by kicking it or heading it. See other definitions on this page or search soccer for further explanation.

I love to play American Football, whether it is casually with friends or competitively with my school team. I however do not like competitive soccer, though I do like playing casually with friends. It is a matter of prefence, and will everyone stop bickering about which one is better? It is opinion, nothing else.
Fan: Football kicks soccer's f&*%ing ass! Soccer eats hairy balls.

Fan: Football kicks American football's f#$%ing ass! American football eats hairy balls.

Reasonable Person: Oh shut up, both of you idiots. They're both good sports.
by soccer, football, whatever April 15, 2010
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someone typiccaly a male that playes football
is considerd a footballer
omg look at all the hottt footballers!!!!!
by nichole101 May 28, 2007
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A popular sport in which men in tight pants and cups around their penises tackle and spank each other.
Chad spanked Patrick after he was tackled by the other team during the football game.
by Tyler P. February 26, 2008
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Commonly known as "Footy". A game in which men who get paid 1million times greater than their IQ pretend to be hurt for 90mins. Football matches are then followed by excessive comsumption of cheap beer and violent riots featuring obese middle-aged men with no hair.
Wanna watch the Football?

Yeah mate, get us a beer.
by omcoolkid February 5, 2009
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a sport combining skill,muscle,brains and strategy, where a team works together to get the ball up the field to the end zone or to prevent it. once the team gets to the goal it becomes a touchdown.it involves alot of running and is very hard to master.there are people in the game called officials they call the game.
by D3V1N L1NDS3Y February 1, 2009
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