To condemn to ruination or death. when you are destined to an unhappy end.

To be condemned.
We are doomed im telling you!!!
by Fernando O. May 12, 2006
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the ultimate standard by which all hardware is judged
"Yes that's cool, but can it play doom?"
by Hyperion2010 September 13, 2007
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An add-on that signifies that something is really badass, dangerous, or hardcore and might seriously fuck you up.
Yosef: "Check out this awesome gat I've got. I think I'm gonna go to the ghetto and shoot someone!"
Abraham: "That's a BB gun, dude. It probably won't even break the skin."
Yosef: "Whatever, man. It's the BB gun of DOOM! It could kill you, seriously. Watch out!"
Abraham: "You just shot me, you fucking idiot! That left a mark...oh, no wait, it's gone."
Yosef: "DAMN!!!"
by Nick D July 19, 2004
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Doomed. to be irreversibly and completely fucked. to be fated to have life shit a massive pile of mammoth dung on you. destined to ruin and a bad end. to be doomed is to be condemned to to doom
Dillon is doomed. he will never succeed. he will fail and life will shit on him. all his shit will be fucked. failure is inevitable.
nothing will turn out right and ruin is his fate.
by diesirae314 November 2, 2011
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Pc owner 1:yo man does is run doom?
Pc owner 2:idk lemme check
by the avrg neo-nazi September 4, 2023
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The street name for a synthetic marijuana that gets you higher than you could ever imagine. This synthetic marijuana is legal and sold over the counter as herbal incense. The active ingredient that replicates THC is JWH-18.
"Are you ready for some DOOM?"

"Sit tight, I just packed one full of DOOM!!"
by LakSom March 17, 2010
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The feeling of utter doom after a heavy night on the booze. You fear you may have embarrassed yourself beyond redemption. Or done something you will live to regret.
Oh my god I have got the doom! I don't rememeber much, What did I get up to last night while drunk?
by vamplock December 13, 2014
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