A dante is always everybodys best friend he is also the king of sex jokes also obsessed with Lollis
by Dimensionss November 14, 2021
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Dante. The most amazing person ever. When you meet him your heart will soar, and your eyes will pop out of your skull because this will be love at first sight. He will wait for you and chase you and once he gets you he will treat you like a princess. He will spend every waking minute texting or talking to you. He will take you out a lot and never let you pay for it. He will be loving and kind and do spontaneous things. When you think he couldnt get any better, he will then introduce you to his whole family. After his family loves you, he will then tell you how much you really mean to him and then tell you he never loved you in the first place and only wanted to fuck. Dante is scum
I’m dating this new guy I think he’s the one
What’s his name


Get out of there
by Big truth February 8, 2021
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when a waiter jizzes/spits/poops/throwsup in your food before you receive it
We were real dicks to that waiter, i hope he doesn't dante in our burgers.
by potatoes63 December 10, 2010
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Dante loves star wars. he will always take a screen shot of everything. loves to plays games with his friend. (especially Roblox and Minecraft) He's amazing at giving hugs or head pats and will chase you of you run. gets flustered really easily and has the cutest smile and laugh. he doesn't like when people sees photos of him self but he has the cutest face. he loves nature and animals and will save a caterpillar and keep it until its all healed. he will secretly go on his computer to chat with his friends cuase he loves them so much.
Dante is amazing, isnt he?
yup! Dante is the best!
by Tokyo-TDHPxTLHP May 23, 2022
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Nasty or disgusting; gross, or foul smelling.
"Dude I haven't bathed in weeks...." "Wtf? That's dant"

"Hey go smell that ice chest, there's been eggs in there for over a month"... "Omg thats shit's dant!"
by Johnny Boy8675 October 30, 2012
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Dante is a fat shit and he has no friends. He has a tiny dick and nobody will ever love him.
Dante is a bitch
by Twinkletwinkle.o January 21, 2019
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