1. - (colloq.) Short for 'Coonangum' (<coon-ang-oom>) and 'Coonang,' a nickname for any person called 'Cunningham.' See also coony bastard.

2. - Rascist name referring to someone of dark skin colour.
1. - "Shut it Coon," or "Coonangum gee'uz that Buckie."

by JayFizzleNizzle November 29, 2008
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Someone who does something so stupid it disgraces their race.

Nota Bene:

When calling someone a coon it is custom to elongate the vowels:
Kyrie: Clumsily drops their Popeyes $5 box spilling the remains on the floor, then picks up the chicken and mashed potatoes and proceeds to continue his meal.

Patrick: You coon!!!
by Pgambs November 13, 2017
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A mentally deficient black person. Usually listens to nigga-music
Aidan: You stupid coon that's a fellow a white person not a ghost
by Itsmeitisnt June 24, 2019
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A word describing a Southern person with no sense of style. Directly related to the word "racoon" as how many Southern people refer to them as "coons", viewed as tacky and drawl by upper-class people.

A slang term regularly used by people of the hipster or indie variety to humiliate conforming people who tend to follow whatever trend comes up, regardless of how ridiculous or audacious. Also directly related to how Southern states are often the last to catch on to fads.
"That guy is wearing those silly band bracelets. They're so tacky, I have no idea why everyone loves them so much." said Jenna.

"Ha! They're coons, they don't know any better." replied Timmy.
by LazyHappyLucky July 24, 2010
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I was at that ho's tilt last night, but we didnt do anything because shes a coon.
by CallMeDaddy April 24, 2009
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A friend who never has anything or contributes to anything, but always wants whatever you have and desperatly wants. And usually lives in a appartment and is white (and likes famous T shirts)
Friend(coon) who always is there to smoke your weed and get free car rides, but never pays for anything else but with his friendship
by Bellingham44 January 7, 2010
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Slang for the female sex organ known as the vagina.
Jenny: My coon is bleeding :(
by lil bizzle July 25, 2005
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