someone who gets off (sexually) using a broomstick.
I wonder where the broomstick is? I hear someone orgasming in the next room. Deff a "broomstick bonnie".
by meowmixlaaaaameeeeoooooowww August 29, 2009
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A girl that is so ridiculously thin you can use her as the handle for a broom. You need to be gently though, as broomstick bitches tend to snap into two if you use even the slightest force.
Dude A: Boy this house is a mess. Hey, you! Broomstick Bitch!

BB: Yeah?

Dude A: I'll give you five quid to be my broom handle.

BB: Well, I am so thin that you can see through me, and unbelievably arrogant because of it (which makes me a broomstick bitch) so okay!

Dude A: Right, i'll just fit you on there and...


Dude A: Oh crap, it's split in two!

Dude B: Ha ha! Stupid bitch. Oh man, look at all that powdered blood and dust coming out of her. Ewww.

Dude A: Come on, lets get another broomstick bitch to clean her up.

Dude B: Okay!
by Matthew The Third January 5, 2008
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A man takes a broomstick and shoves into a girl's asshole, takes it out shoves the broomstick back into his asshole, then eats the contents on the broomstick.
by Fuck Face October 17, 2003
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The fine art of getting someone to lighten up a bit. To help change their point of view.
Mr. Smith is so adamant about not letting his daughter Mary date until she is 27 years old, that he needs to have a rectal broomstick extraction procedure performed.
by JackU May 1, 2009
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