The combination of "blotch" and "fart" that was given to the occurance when one would expell a blast of moist gas from their anus making a blotch in their undergarment.
As Patti was making salads at Pizza Hut, she blarted and ended up getting a damp spot in her panties and requested that she go home early to refreshen up.
by Aeryck July 6, 2005
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After the act of anal sex, the woman shoots the ejaculate out of her anus and snorts it like a line of coke.
Dude shelly has been blarting me for weeks!
by PdotJ5ive January 13, 2011
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A blasting fart. The sound can be described as trumpet-like... loud, high-pitched and choppy.
After a big chili dinner, I was kept up all night by my lover's gunshot blarts and my bedroom now smells like beans.
by KVC-KillMePlease July 11, 2008
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The act of a male and female chest being pressed togeter making a seeming flatulent sound. Usually done during intercoarse.

The two lovers were wrestling when the boobs where pressed against the chest of the male the male mistankenly thought the woman had farted but was really blarting.
by the lovers April 27, 2009
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a large, unintended defecation that occurs when one relaxes the anal sphincter to fart

(a combination of "big loud fart". Also derived from the slang term, "shart")
"OMG, how embarrassing! As I sat down, I blarted hella loud during class =( "
by RR_StreetRat July 31, 2009
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When a female is on her period, and she farts. A gush of blood comes out of the vagina, causing a tsunami.
My fart was so intense i blarted.
by HAHA! March 1, 2005
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