i want to have Al with that girl
Dude, me too.
by spectacularlytrippy420 February 18, 2013
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A Handsome male with good morals and good family orientation. Someone who can handle responsibility and is greatly reliable. This person has the ability to love freely. They are also never afraid to put you in your place. With a good sense of humor and a kind heart many people enjoy being in his presence. Typically a person you will regret losing.
by Crazy monkey May 24, 2018
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As in, "Uncle Al-coholic."
by Joidy July 21, 2009
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1) Type of beer

2) Short for Spanish name 'Alejandra'
1) I'll have a glass of England's old ale

2) Ale is a girl who may look really nice but really, she is a dumb, manipulative bitch with a Spanish accent and hangs out with all the popular girls. Oh my god fuck her
by Man4928626 June 22, 2011
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The Term "Ale" or "Being An Ale" is defined as a person who acts gay or pretends to be gay around the homies (Homiesexual) but isn't actually gay
Chris: I hate that kid
Mango: Why?!
Chris: BC hes so sus and acts like such an Ale
by MangoDefines June 17, 2022
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Ref below, not sure what hunter gathering has to do with this but otherwise fairy accurate, though forgetting the main uk types of bitter,best bitter and the now saddly not so common though slowly reappearing, thankfuly, mild, the newer versions of which are often called dark to avoid conotations with flat caps.Try one you will be surprised!Good lagers are availabe also but they do not come from the major international keg factorys!
by toymi69 May 30, 2008
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An acronym for Actually Laughing
Used to express reality laughing when you're not just writing 'lol' to make the one you chat with happy :
<BONZI> You know if I could speak german I would just speak it to myself all day so I can laugh my arse off forever
by StarDuster January 3, 2004
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