noun: (1) an extravagantly sexual yet wholly nonchalant figure of urban mythology capable of engulfing or otherwise annihilating men in particular but really anyone vulnerable to its fleshy charms; (2) an entity or being intent on annihilation through sexual congress, having the qualities of many destruction prone goddesses yet not genuinely female so much as berdache or having the reproductive and seductive qualities of both sexes; (3) a being incapable of sexual satiety and thus prone to an obsessive quest to satisfy his/her appetites; i.e. The Jolly.

adjective: (1) reflecting or referring to the qualities of The Jolly, a dreaded yet desired mythical figure or a human being having the same traits; (2) fleshy and flaccid yet somehow horribly attractive in spite of itself, the more so because of its potential for engulfing its victims; (3) referring to a kind of sexual wantonness and capacity for annihilation through sexual congress; (4) suggestive of unabashed satisfaction of the body's appetites; (5) having the girth and fleshy excess of someone or something jolly.
“It struck fear and desire in the lonely and sea-weary sailors’ hearts to think they might find, once they came to the next port of call, The Jolly whose appetites were a matter of legend.”

“Hey, man, check out the legs on our substitute teacher! I’ll bet she’s pretty jolly!”

“To ease their sexual tension after looking at some porn magazines up in the tree house, the boys began to sing some jolly songs.”
by Plains Mermaid January 11, 2009
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The feeling that is received after ejaculation. If this feeling was achieved by masturbation you may want to see loneliness.
I felt so jolly after I came last night.
by J-nap April 14, 2011
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street term for popular clubdrug ecstacy
My friend asked if we wanted any jollies for this weekend.
by inflataboy January 2, 2005
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a footballin manager that knows dutch all about football and cannot do anything correctly with a perfectly good team in the premiership
"oops, he has done a jolly to that"
by philmorris April 15, 2008
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1. An evil sinister girl that enjoys tickling and groping people, blowing raspberries, acting like a cat, taking part in Neo orgies and has a fish drawn on her ass.

2. The act of being an evil sinister girl that enjoys tickling and groping people, blowing raspberries, acting like a cat, taking part in Neo orgies and has a fish drawn on her ass.
Stop being such a Jolli, Susan!

O crap, there she goes Jolli-ing around again.
by abalone gyro April 24, 2004
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another name for a ginger male with pale skin and freckles

this type of person doesnt have a girlfriend until hes 18

the type of person who sleeps during the festivals and acts like a pensioner

the type of guy that nobody really likes, and if they do they must be stupid
oh shit look at that guy over there, hes such a ugly jolly
by davechidley November 16, 2008
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A creepy pedo who is an ugly unibrowed smart ass and has no life
That guy is such a jolly!
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