A Phrase that emplies some one is joking about or taking the piss.
This term was not created by Sam O'riordan and has existed for many many years.
Keneth thought i was being serious, but i was totally taking the wreck.
by Robert Mcoobie the 2nd July 8, 2009
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if you’re wrecking the shitter it’s the FATTEST SHAT you’ve ever taken. it’s practically breaking the toilet
Joe: I just wrecked the shitter

Martha: uh oh is that shit gonna flush
Joe: my stomach hurt so bad i needed to wreck the shitter
wrecking the shitter- big shit
by EXTRA LEXA October 30, 2019
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When a girl is about to give your penis sucky sucky and she fills her mouth up with honey. She then proceeds to place your penis into her face hole and sucky sucky it. The honey gives it a rather thick and pleasuring feel allowing you to experience pure bliss and her to taste the sweet nectar. Yummy and tasty.
Ayyy boi your girlfriend honey wrecked me last night. Swag.
by SleazyJezus September 5, 2014
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When someone does something to mess with your spouse and it’s either intentional or unintentional
That wrecking whore slept with my boyfriend without asking if he had a girlfriend
by Quincey Fox December 20, 2021
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When you keeping falling for more and more people and don't know what to do.
" I got crush wrecked so many times today at school and now I don't know what to do"
by Mikayuu October 28, 2016
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Blasting music in a topless Jeep Wrangler while dancing very awkwardly.
Andie and I went Wrangler Wrecking last night and got caught be the police for soliciting! But the music was sooo good.
by Dave Bee July 10, 2010
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A discusting strip off land in Wimbledon where teens go light fireworks, smoke and drink on top of abandoned building
Person: did you here people are going to abbey wreck

Person 2: yes they are probably going to go and climb on top of the building to do illegal activities
by Smeg sandwich January 18, 2021
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