The old random rice that nobody will ever eat and is left in the cupboard solely for the purpose of drying out a wet I-Phone.
"dude, I'm starving! Can i cook up some of this rice in your cupboard?"
Stay away from that, man! That's my iPhone rice!
"Dude, gross!"
by pdiddy19 February 20, 2017
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When sad people feel poor so they mistakenly buy an iPhone to look rich.
"Bret was embarrassed about being poor so he bought an iPhone because he heard they make you look rich. He's feeling rich now that he's iPhone rich."
by Vicky Vegas May 16, 2020
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The day when we all woke up late 1 hour because all the Iphone's alarm didn't change after daylight savings time.
Guy 1"dude where were you on monday you missed all 1st period."
Guy 2"Didn't you hear it was Iphone monday so i woke up an hour late."
by WellImCh7 November 9, 2010
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What Satan's smartphone would be if it existed.
Can you just imagine what it would be like if there was such a thing as an iPhone 666? It would be wild and Satan would have to be quick to get it as many people will be offended by it and force Verizon to permanently ban it.
by PhoenixGamer34 February 18, 2021
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1. A phone made by either:
I have got an Iphone that is from Android.
The iPhone is either made by Apple or Android.
by prnty1541 July 2, 2022
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"Wow did you just get the new iPhone 12? Yeah it is so good looking."
by skyiii December 18, 2020
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